Start Here

Welcome, Lovely!

I'm so happy to meet you. My goal is to help you empower yourself here, as you read this blog and reflect on your goals and aspirations. I want to share information that makes you excited about life and all it has in store for you.

I hope that through this blog, you find food for your brain, your body, and your soul. I hope you learn to silence that little voice inside your head that tells you you're not "whatever" enough. And as a result, I hope you become more of everything you were created to be.

In that spirit, I promise to teach you:

How to Turn Mealtime Into an Art

Why You Seriously Need to Start Loving Your Body

When "Pushing Through" a Workout Becomes Counter-Productive


A Little Bit About Me

I have a firm grasp of my calling in life. But it wasn't always that way. I've pursued many goals for the wrong reasons, entered into degrees I didn't care about, and started jobs I thought would make other people proud of me. 

I've spent my whole life chasing recognition. Until recently.

Age 7
But you know whose recognition I forgot to look for? My own. I forgot that in the end, I am that one who has to be happy with how I lived my life. I am the one who will lose out if I don't accomplish the goals that are important to me.

I realized, through much introspection and soul seeking, that if I'm constantly trying to match up to other people's expectations, I will never be happy.

Age 13

I won't bore you with all the details that lead up to this realization, but it wasn't until age 24 that I figured out who I wanted to be. I had delivered my son via c-section, lost most of the baby weight, and learned that healthy eating is as much about your mindset as it is about the food you're eating.

I had stopped chasing after fitness goals to impress other people, and I had finally come to a place of peace with my body. As a personal trainer, I see many women live in a state of warfare with their bodies, constantly complaining that they're not where they want to be, and never feeling like they enjoy the skin they're in.

Age 18
When women tell me they don't like the way they look or insist that they would feel good about themselves if they could just lose a few more pounds, it reminds me of myself. 

I've always been hyper-critical of my body. At age twelve or so, my first boyfriend had planted a seed inside my head that lead to a pattern of destructive mental conversations for the next decade. He would say things like, "You're prettier than that girl because you're skinnier."

At that age, I had no idea what a terrible comment that was. From then on, I thought that if I could just stay thin, I'd be okay. 

After having my son, I went through a time of intense self-loathing and depression. I ignored it as long as I could, until one day I no longer felt like life was worth living. When that thought came, I knew I couldn't handle these emotions on my own.

30 weeks pregnant, age 22
So, I told my husband I thought something might be wrong with me. I met with a therapist who helped me explore the possibility that I had post-partum depression. It was through this relationship with the therapist that I was able to uncover a lot of hidden fears, anxieties, and insecurities that I had been hanging onto for all those years. 

That summer, I turned 24. I grew into a new person that year, and found that my analytical mind was created for a purpose: to help you grow, too. We all have subconscious fears and insecurities, and I am of the firm belief that we must deal with them, one-by-one, to become the people we are created to be.

It's my greatest passion in the world to make people see their own potential and find inspiration in their daily lives. I hope you do just that with this blog.


- Bay
